Business | Marketing | Branding Consultant

We have to REALIZE as professionals in any field, HOW WE DO BUSINESS plays a BIG ROLE in our SUCCESS! Learn more about how to do business better with a quick consultant chat with yours truly.

If you have any question please visit the Contact page and I will be glad to get back to you as soon as I can!

Business/Marketing/Branding Consultant

Hour and a half (in person, Zoom, FaceTime or phone call) —— Topics we will cover: keeping track of finances, brand development, marketing tactics, suggested books, suggested social platforms to jump onto and fundamentals of business. Additionally, come with some questions or concerns that I can help answer while we are together.


DISCLAIMER: I am not a finance professional so I encourage you to go to a professional in the field of finances to help you with your taxes and financial questions. I just hope to help point you in the right direction as you run your business and provide another professional opinion.

I have always been very interested with the fast moving ecosystem that is mostly known as the Business world.

As I then dove into my own business as a music professional I realized how much we lack these fundamentals as professionals in our respective fields, specifically in the music world.

It will sometimes take us years to figure out how all of this works. For me, I had amazing people that I could learn from and that helped point me in the right direction. I hope to be that person for you and help you through this process.

In our time together, I hope to help build a strong business understanding and foundation for not just your current situation but for future situations to come. Getting you on your way of dealing with business as a professional.

Things we will cover is listed below……….

Keeping up to date with you financials, what is a w-9, what is a 1099 forms, brand development, marketing tactics, suggested books, suggested social platforms to jump onto and fundamentals of business.

In the end, we will cover exactly what you want to cover that will most benefit you, so make sure to also bring questions that you would like to have answered. I can’t wait to walk this journey with you and look forward to our time together. 👊🏻❤️

If you have any question please visit the Contact page and I will be glad to get back to you as soon as I can!